
Press Releases

Rep. Baird Applauds Passage of the Farm Bill Out of House Agriculture Committee

Today, Congressman Jim Baird (IN-04) released the following statement after he voted for the Farm, Food, and National Security Act of 2024 (H.R. 8467), otherwise known as the farm bill, in the House Committee on Agriculture.

“Farmers are considered the backbone of America because of the vital role they play in feeding, fueling, and clothing our great nation. This is why my colleagues and I on the House Committee on Agriculture worked to pass a farm bill that preserves and protects American agriculture,” said Rep. Baird. “I’m proud of the bill we passed out of committee today because it addresses many of the issues that are important to my district. It provides farmers, ranchers and growers with financial assistance to address natural resource concerns; invests in research facilities and land grant universities; and improves precision agriculture practices. I applaud Chairman Thompson for his steadfast leadership and implore my House and Senate colleagues to support this important legislation.”


Bill text can be found, here.

Title-by-title summary can be found, here.

Additional resources can be found, here.
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